Diagnosis Dystonia?
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"Germany's first,
non profit recognized
online - self-help group"

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07.27.2017 Prof. Dr. Kai Bötzel: (Neurological Clinic, Munich Großhadern)
Dystonia has many faces. Some forms are so mild that they aren't recognized as such at first. Others are so severe that one couldn't hope for any improvement.
Yet there are effective treatment methods for many forms of dystonia.
Therefore it is important that any knowlege of distonia is being spread in public.
The Internet is a great medium to find the correct contact partner.
Keep up the good work, Ernst family!!
Best regards, K. Bötzel
We, Jacqui & Udo, thank you very much for your support of ★ ✰ Dystonia Awareness flies around the World ★ ✰ and your motivating statement!

Neurosurgeon Dr. Jan Mehrkens and neurologist Prof. Dr. Kai Bötzel from Munich Großhadern
07.26.2017 Invitation from Medtronic Germany to the presentation of the StimTox study for patients with cervical dystonia!
Prof. Dr. Kai Bötzel, from the Neurological Clinic in Munich Großhadern, began the neurological part of the STIMTOX study in relation to botulinum.
The neurosurgeon Dr. Jan Mehrkens then spoke about the surgical part of the StimTox study, in relation to deep brain stimulation.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Jan Mehrkens and neurologist Prof. Dr. Kai Bötzel!
05.22.2016 We bring Dystonia Awareness to places, where people gather!
Here: Chinese tower and beer garden in Munich!

Foto by Georg Fleischer
May 20th 2016 Dear friends
The Dystonie Treff online e.V. launched his worldwide campaign, on May 20th 2016, named.
„Dystonia Awareness flies around the world”
We invite everyone, concerned or not and we humbly ask for your participation.
Please contact us about ordering balloons for the campaign, and have a picture taken of yourself with the balloon and a typical symbol of your country or town.
All those pictures will be assembled on a big „Dystonia-wall “so together they can start their trip around the world.
The best three pictures from the campaign will be awarded!
Please don’t hesitate to participate and inform everybody of your friends, it’s time at last for awareness about a cruel and practically unknown illness.
Our warmest thanks to you!

Foto by Georg Fleischer
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